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Yisro: Feeling Another Person's Pain
ויקח יתרו חותן משה את צפורה אשת משה אחר שלוחיה. “And Yisro, Moshe’s father-in-law, took Tzipporah, Moshe’s wife, after he sent her off.”...
Yisro: Taking the Torah’s Commandments to Heart
אנכי ה' אלקיך. “I am Hashem your G-d.” The Midrash says: “When Hashem said, ‘I am Hashem your G-d,’ Moshe immediately said, ‘Baruch shelo...
Yisro: Receiving the Torah
The Torah says (Shemos 18:1), “And Yisro, the priest of Midyan, Moshe’s father-in-law, heard about everything G-d did for Moshe and His...
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