Mikeitz: The Lesson of Chanukah
Miketz, Chanukah: The Miracle of the First Day Chanukah
Noach: Remembering the Needs of Others
Breishis: Hashem’s Desire is for Man to be Happy
Bereishis, Motzei Yom Tov: Taking Leave of the High Holidays while Keeping the Inspiration
Netzavim–Vayelech: Torah Sweetens our Lives
Ki Seitzei: The Protective Power of Tzedaka
Vayakhel: Hearing The Voice Of Hashem
Ki Sisa: The Sound of Battle
Ki Sisa: Discovering The Treasure Within.
Tetzave: Being a Lamplighter.
Tetzave: When We Listen To Hashem, Hashem Listens To Us.
Tetzave: Why does one become a leader.
Teruma: If we focus on the Name of Hashem we will overcome evil.
Mishpotim: Easing Moshiachs's Burden
Yisro: Feeling Another Person's Pain
Purim: A Time to Build Ourselves Anew.
Shavuos: Double Reward
Shevuos: Learning Torah is for Right Now
Behar-Bechukosei: A End to All Suffering